I was blind and heart broken and didn't want to do anything and Gus burst into my room and shouted, "I have wonderful news!" And I was like, "I don't really want to hear wonderful news right now," and Gus said, "This is wonderful news you want to hear," and I asked him, "Fine, what is it?" and he said, "You are going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that you cannot even imagine yet!
Home » Archives for December 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Quotes About Broken Heart Part 1
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Versi 2
Meski kini kita jauh,
Di Hari Ulang Tahun mu ini, aku akan berdoa
Agar Tuhan selalu menjagamu Untukku dan untuk cinta kita.
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang.
Beli roti di sore hari
roti bakar nikmat sekali
hari ini ada yang happy
hari lahir terulang kembali
selamat ulang tahun ya,
Sungguh masa depan itu memang ada karena kau telah berhasil melewati satu 1 tahun lagi masa usiamu. Selamat ulang tahun untuk sahabat terbaikku”.
Harum nafasmu masih tercium sampai disini
Tanpa terasa detak jantungmu menyadarkanku
Bahwa detik ini adalah detik bersejarah bagimu
Ijinkanlah aku untuk sekedar berucap,
Selamat ulang tahun.
Taukah kamu, apa yang membuat aku bahagia?
Bukan uang yang banyak
bukan mobil yang mewah
Tetapi yang membuat aku bahagia
ketika aku slalu ingat hari ulang tahunmu.
Selamat ulang tahun sayang..... I love you
Sory kalau aku menjadi yang terakhir mengirim SMS ultah ini karena memang aku ingin menjadi yang terakhir buatmu”
Meski kini kita jauh,
Di Hari Ulang Tahun mu ini, aku akan berdoa
Agar Tuhan selalu menjagamu Untukku dan untuk cinta kita.
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang.
Masuk Rumah pagar berdaun
Sepatu di diletakan di Ruang tamu
Selamat ulang tahun
Semoga Kebahagiaan di limpah kan kepadamu.
Jus tomat dicuri mak lampir...
selamat hari lahir....
Syurga banyak bidadarinya...
semoga tambah berkah usianya.
Met ultah
Moga bahagia selalu..
Smoga persahabatan kita tetap terjalin
Sampai kakek-kakek (nenek-nenek)
Bertambah usia, artinya berkuranglah jatah hidup ini..
Tetapi itu tidak mengurangi eratnya persahabatan ini
Bahkan seiring berjalannya waktu,
Persahatan kita terasa semakin kokoh dan menyenangkan
Semoga Tuhan memberimu umur panjang yang penuh dengan manfaat dan kebaikan, aamiin..
Jangan berhenti mencintaiku.
Jangan pernah duakan hatiku.
Setialah untukku sampai maut menjemput.
Bahagia selalu memayungi di setiap kehidupan kita.
Itulah 4 pintaku untuk hari ulang tahunmu. happy b’day cyg..!
Harum nafasmu masih tercium sampai disini
Tanpa terasa detak jantungmu menyadarkanku
Bahwa detik ini adalah detik bersejarah bagimu
Ijinkanlah aku untuk sekedar berucap,
Selamat ulang tahun.
semoga dengan bertambahnya usia menjadikan kamu insan yang mulia, semakin disayang Alloh dan menyayangi Alloh, semakin umurnya berkah, pahalanya bertambah, segala urusan dipermudahkan Alloh. MET HARI LAHIR,,,,,
Saat nyala lilin membias di wajahmu.
Kusatukan doa demi bahagiamu.
Di hari ulang tahunmu,
aku berjanji akan terus mengeja hati tanpa henti
met ulang tahun honey.. i miss u..
Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku...
Semoga hari harimu kedepan lebih bahagia dan penuh harapan
Meski ada sedikit rintangan anggaplah itu hanya suatu cobaan untuk semakin menguatkan imanmu
Sekali lagi Happy Birthday...
Met ultah
Moga bahagia selalu..
Smoga persahabatan kita tetap terjalin
Sampai kakek-kakek (nenek-nenek)
Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku...
Semoga hari harimu kedepan lebih bahagia dan penuh harapan
Meski ada sedikit rintangan anggaplah itu hanya suatu cobaan untuk semakin menguatkan imanmu
Sekali lagi Happy Birthday...
Semoga segala kebaikan menyertaimu "I wish you all the best..."
Selamat Ulang Tahun.
Semoga Lo panjang Umur
en tambah baek hati
untuk nraktir gue makan-makan.
Jus tomat dicuri mak lampir...
selamat hari lahir....
Syurga banyak bidadarinya...
semoga tambah berkah usianya.
Nafas pagi ini adalah anugrah untuk hidup yang penuh dengan berkah.
beryukurlah untuk setiap hari yang diberikan Tuhan pada kita...
Selamat Ulang Tahun.
semoga diberikan usia yang panjang dan penuh kebahagiaan.
Kemarin adalah hari yang telah berlalu
maka aku tak akan mengenangnya...
Esok adalah masa depan maka akan kupikirkan untuk kesuksesan
Jika Tuhan menghendaki... ingin kunikmati beberapa tahun kedepan bersamamu
Dengan penuh harapan dan doa
sekaligus kepadamu kuucapkan
Selamat Ulang Tahun... Semoga Tuhan senantiasa menjaga persahabatan kita..
Met Ultah Sobat..
Kalau masih ngaku sahabatku..
Aku tunggu makan-makannya.. Hahaha.. *kacau!
Melangkah di usia baru, adalah suatu gentar bagimu
Saat sebuah ritual dirayakan
dengan nyala lilin-lilin
yang bercerita tentang kebahagiaan
Panjang Umur dan Bahagia dalam hidupmu
Masuk Rumah pagar berdaun
Sepatu di diletakan di Ruang tamu
Selamat ulang tahun
Semoga Kebahagiaan di limpah kan kepadamu
makin tua jangan makin jadi
uda tua jangan jadi keladi.
malu2 in
met hari jadi
Beli buah habis makan Soto Babat
Belinya di kota Palu
Met ultah ya sobat
Tetap sehat dan sukses selalu
Mungkin hari hujan ketika kamu dilahirkan
namun sesungguhnya itu bukan hujan
itu adalah langit yang sedang menangis
karena ia telah kehilangan malaikat kecilnya
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sahabat
hari ini aku petik mawar ini..
Aku masuk dalam kebun penuh duri..
Tusukan durinya tak ku hiraukan..
sengaja kupilih mawar terbaik dan paling merona..
Walaupun kulitku terkoyak dan darah bercucuran..
Tetap kumemetiknya dan membawanya berlari kehadapanmu
sembari mengucapkan “selamat ulang tahun sayang… semoga panjang umur dan cinta kita tetap abadi”
Sebelum hari ini terlewat..
Ijinkanlah ku genggam tanganmu,,
Memandang matamu dgn penuh kasih..
Dan memelukmu hangat sembari membisikkan..
“Selamat ulang tahun kekasih hatiku.. Pemoga panjang umur dan cinta kita kekal abadi”
Tatkala hari ini datang..
Kubermunajat pada sang khalik..
Memanjatkan doa dan harapan..
Atas segala kebahagianmu..
rizky yg melimpah..
dan.. Keberhasilan segala cita mu..
” Selamat Ulang tahun Kasih.. ”
Tahukah kamu perasaan yang menyenangkan ketika
Seseorang yang menyukaimu
Seseorang yang memikirkanmu
Seseorang yang membutuhkanmu
Tetapi akan lebih menyenangkan ketika kamu tahu
ada seseorang yang tak pernah lupa hari ulang tahunmu.
Met Ultah My Sweetheart
sucikan diri dengan wudhu..
bersih kan jiwa dengan shalat…
sucikan hati dengan ke ikhlasan..
sucikan usia dengan cinta mu..
selamat ulang tahun darling..
I loV3 U ForeVeR..
Mungkin hujan turun disaat kamu dilahirkan
Tetapi ketahuilah
Itu bukanlah hujan
Itu langit yang menangis
Karena mereka telah kehilangan malaikat kecilnya
Ku harap Tuhan memelukmu hangat dan para malaikat mendekapmu erat. Dan aku akan menjagamu lebih dekat hingga yang terbaik Kau dapat. Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku.
Walaupun jauh dari pandangan mataku, namun hatiku sungguh dekat dalam lubuk hatiku. Walau serasa mengawang di angkasa, tapi inilah hatiku yang menggenggam jiwamu. Dan kudekatkan bibirku tuk bisikan kata yang kan terus melingkupimu hari-harimu. Selamat ulang tahun, Tuhan selalu ada di sampingmu.
Nafas pagi ini yaitu anugrah untuk hidup. Beryukurlah untuk tiap-tiap hari yang diberikan Tuhan utuk kita. selamat lagi tahun.semoga diberikan umur yang panjang serta penuh kebahagiaan.
Sebelum hari ini terlewat
Ijinkanlah kugenggam tanganmu
Memandang matamu dengan penuh kasih
Memelukmu dan membisikkan
Selamat ulang tahun kekasihku
Semoga panjang umur dan cinta kita kekal abadi.
Sucikan diri dengan wudhu.
Bersih kan jiwa dengan shalat.
Sucikan hati dengan keikhlasan.
Sucikan usia dengan cinta mu.
Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku
Percayalah hari esok itu ada dikarenakan kau sudah sukses melalui satu 1 tahun lagi periode usiamu. selamat lagi tahun untukmu, semoga apa yang kau cita-citakan dapat tercapai.
Walaupun ucapan ini tersampaikan melalui pesan singkat, semoga tidak mengurangi kebahagianmu kawan. Selamat ulang tahun, panjang umur sehat selalu.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Versi 1
Ku harap Tuhan memelukmu hangat dan para malaikat mendekapmu erat. Dan aku akan menjagamu lebih dekat hingga yang terbaik Kau dapat. Selamat ulang tahun sahabatku.
Walaupun jauh dari pandangan mataku, namun hatiku sungguh dekat dalam lubuk hatiku. Walau serasa mengawang di angkasa, tapi inilah hatiku yang menggenggam jiwamu. Dan kudekatkan bibirku tuk bisikan kata yang kan terus melingkupimu hari-harimu. Selamat ulang tahun, Tuhan selalu ada di sampingmu.
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night
bring love and joy to you
Happy birthday for you
A prayer: to bless your way
A wish: to lighten your moments
A cheer: to perfect your day
A text: to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Everything is special
Evdrything is lovely
these are things wish you on your BIRTHDAY
Mungkin hujan turun disaat kamu dilahirkan
Tetapi ketahuilah
Itu bukanlah hujan
Itu langit yang menangis
Karena mereka telah kehilangan malaikat kecilnya
Nafas pagi ini yaitu anugrah untuk hidup. Beryukurlah untuk tiap-tiap hari yang diberikan Tuhan utuk kita. selamat lagi tahun.semoga diberikan umur yang panjang serta penuh kebahagiaan.
Sebelum hari ini terlewat
Ijinkanlah kugenggam tanganmu
Memandang matamu dengan penuh kasih
Memelukmu dan membisikkan
Selamat ulang tahun kekasihku
Semoga panjang umur dan cinta kita kekal abadi.
Percayalah hari esok itu ada dikarenakan kau sudah sukses melalui satu 1 tahun lagi periode usiamu. selamat lagi tahun untukmu, semoga apa yang kau cita-citakan dapat tercapai.
Walaupun ucapan ini tersampaikan melalui pesan singkat, semoga tidak mengurangi kebahagianmu kawan. Selamat ulang tahun, panjang umur sehat selalu.
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night
bring love and joy to you
Happy birthday for you
Semoga segala kebaikan menyertaimu "I wish you all the best..."
Waktunya telah tiba.
Saatnya ini untuk berkaca.
Apa yang telah kita torehkan di atas bumi?
Tambah umur.
Tambah dewasa.
Happy b’day…
Saat nyala lilin membias di wajahmu.
Kusatukan doa demi bahagiamu.
Di hari ulang tahunmu,
aku berjanji akan terus mengeja hati tanpa henti
met ulang tahun sayang.
Hari ini aku sangat bahagia.
Karena Dengan bertambahnya umur kamu,
Aku yakin akan bertambah pula rasa Cinta di antara kita.
Selamat ulang tahun ya, ,, ,,
Meski kini kita jauh,
Di Hari Ulang Tahun mu ini, aku akan berdoa
Agar Tuhan selalu menjagamu Untukku dan untuk cinta kita.
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Terjemahan
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Mengirimkan ucapan ulang tahun dalam bahasa inggris memang sesuatu yang sulit bagi kamu yang kurang paham bahasa inggris. Bagi sebagian pasangan, sang kekasih mungkin akan lebih senang dan tambah sayang jika saat hari ulang tahunnya dikirimkan sms ucapan dalam bahasa inggris. Pastinya, kamu butuh contoh ucapan selamat ulang tahun dalam bahasa inggris romantis. Maka dari itu, melalui postingan kali ini kami akan memberikan beberapa contohnya.
Ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris dibawah ini adalah solusi terbaik untuk kamu yang tidak bisa berbahasa inggris. Namun, buat yang paham bahasa inggris juga bisa menggunakannya, mungkin lagi malas atau tidak memiliki bakat mengarang indah hehe. Oke, silahkan lihat lihat kumpulan ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris dibawah ini, dan jika ada kekurangan silahkan berkreasi sendiri untuk membuatnya lebih keren.
Ucapan selamat ulang tahun dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to my love
Happy birthday to my dear
Happy birthday to my soul mate
Wish you all the best
Selamat ulang tahun
Selamat ulang tahun untuk cintaku
Selamat ulang tahun untuk sayangku
Selamat ulang tahun untuk belahan jiwaku
Aku berharap semua kebaikan untukmu
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you. But, it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday. Happy Birthday...
Dengan perasaan yang bagus ketika kamu tahu bahwa seseorang menyukaimu, seseorang berpikir tentang kamu, seseorang membutuhkanmu. Tapi, rasanya jauh lebih baik bila kau tahu bahwa seseorang tidak pernah lupa ulang tahunmu. Selamat Ulang Tahun...
happy birthday to you...As increasing your age, i hope you are be a wise. Given by the god what your aspire and can be successful in the future.
Selamat ulang tahun kuucapkan padamu...Bersamaan pertambahan umur, ku berharap kamu jadi orang yang dewasa. Dikabulkan harapanmu serta dapat jadi orang yang sukses masa datang.
I am very happy today
Because today is the day of your arrival into the world
The arrival of someone who is my soulmate
Honey I love you sincerely
I hope you also love me sincerely
I wish you a happy person who always
Happy birthday to you my love
Saya sangat senang sekali hari ini
Karena hari ini adalah hari kedatanganmu ke dunia
Yaitu kedatangan seseorang yang merupakan belahan jiwaku
Sayang aku menyayangimu setulus hati
Saya berharap kau juga menyayangiku setulus hati
Saya berharap kamu menjadi orang yang selalu berbahagia
Selamat ulang tahun untukmu cintaku
Happy birthday honey...
I wish you stay healthy
I wish you have a Long liveI wish you become a better person
I wish you be more attention to me
I wish you be a more patient
I wish you be more prudentI wish you be work harder
I wish you be the one closer to God
I love you so much
Selamat ulang tahun sayang...
Semoga kamu selalu sehat
Semoga panjang umur
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih baik
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih perhatian padaku
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih sabar
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih bijaksana
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih giat bekerja
Semoga menjadi orang yang lebih dekat dengan Tuhan
Aku sangat mencintai kamu
Birthday Wishes
- A birthday is the most special day in one’s life. Enjoy it to the fullest.
- The sun is shining more brightly today as a way to wish you happy birthday.
- I wish you an outstanding and fabulous birthday.
- Happy Birthday !! Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come.
- I hope that your birthday is as much fun as you are, but that sets a very high standard.
- I hope that your birthday is great, cause it is a good reason to celebrate.
- I hope that your special day is full of fun and happiness and everything that you enjoy.
- Happy Birthday to a person that is charming, talented and witty and reminds me a lot of myself.
- Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with lots of love and laughter! May all your birthday wishes come true.
- Happy birthday to the most wonderful person on earth!
- Let this day be full of joy and celebration.
- Age hasn't spoiled you a bit!
- I hope that today is the beginning of another wonderful year for you. Happy birthday.
- A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Happy birthday.
- A great friend and a happy birthday. That's what you are and that is what I wish for you.
- If we counted in dog years, you would already be dead. Happy birthday!
- A lighter? We’re going to need a flamethrower to light up your candles!
- A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age.
- Age is a number, but life is your calculator.
- Another year has passed. May you all your wishes and dreams come true. Have a happy birthday!
- Another year has passed and let me just say how much we count on you rather than count the years. I wish you a wonderful birthday.
- Another year older, another year wiser. Well, at least you are growing up to be what you were meant to be – the hottest girl around. Happy birthday, gorgeous.
- Best wishes for a joyous day filled with love and laughter. Happy birthday.
- I wanted to give you the best birthday greeting ever…But this card was all I could afford. Happy birthday!
- Birthdays are special occasions that call for special celebrations. Let us celebrate your birthday today!
- Birthdays come and go, so you need to Go Go Go. I wish you a wonderful birthday!
- Blowing out another candle should mean that you have lived another year with joy and you've made this world a better place. Make every day of your life and every candle count. Have a delightful birthday!
- Celebrate the best-ever birthday today, but don't forget to celebrate each and every day, along with the happiness that each day brings.
- Happy birthday to you! Here's wishing you a day filled with fun and delight!
- Congratulations on being even more experienced. I'm not sure what you learned this year, but every experience transforms us into the people we are today. Happy birthday.
- Don’t count the years. Count the wishes and all the cheers.
- Don’t look for a heaven in the sky. Make your own heaven right here.
- Despite all of the advances in medicine, there is still no cure for the common birthday.
- For your birthday, I just want to say: I hope you can see how special you are to me. Happy birthday, my love!
- Forever young and good-looking. That’s all I wish for you on your birthday!
- Forget how long you’ve lived. Look at how much you’ve accomplished and how much life lies before you. Happy birthday.
- Good things happen when you just go for it. Happy birthday!
- Happiness is not a reward; it is your gift. Happy birthday.
- HAPPY B-DAY!!! Have a lot of fun today with your family and your friends! Enjoy your Birthday cake :)
- Happy Birthday !! :D I have a feeling this year's gonna be your best yet.
- Happy Birthday!! I love you so freaking' much, hope you have an awesome birthday!
- Happy birthday!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,because you are a special treasure.
- Happy Birthday!!! I hope this is the beginning of your greatest, most wonderful year ever!
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a magical day full of love and happiness!!!!
- Happy birthday!!! I hope you have the best bday!!!! Be happy and keep that beautiful smile you have.
- Happy birthday!!! wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
- Happy Birthday. Just one more year and you will be perfect. I know I did say the same thing last year :)
- Happy Happy Birthday ! Enjoy your wonderful day and celebrate it . Please stay healthy and get all that you want.
- Happy happy birthday!..hope you have a great day!.. I wish you more blessings in the year ahead.. and may you continue to grow each new day.
- Have a peaceful and relaxing birthday :)
- Have a wonderful day, get many nice presents and have a lot of fun!! :) Bday!
- Have an amazing birthday. It only comes one day a year so do something to make it memorable! :) Bday !!
- Have fun but go easy on your birthday and tomorrow you will remember how you got that tattoo and where that confetti came from.
- Here's to another year of success, health and happiness… :) Bday !!
- Hope the sun shines on you, the wind is at your back, your food tastes good, you see smiles and hear laughter every day and not just on your birthday.
- Hope you are having the best birthday yet. I hope that you get everything you wish for and that you choose the perfect wish. Don’t forget you only get one chance a year!
- Hope you dance the night away or at least watch people dancing late into the night, or stay awake or whatever. Happy Birthday.
- Hope you have wonderful birthday filled with fun, excitement and joy.
- Hope you love your new age. It loves you because it looks good on you.
- Hope this special day to make some stories that you can't tell. I am looking forward to hear about them :). Happy Birthday.
- Hope your birthday includes singing and cake and people and happiness.Hope your day is simply terrific! :) Bday.
- I always forget your birthday and it’s not my memory that makes me to, it’s the plastic surgeon of yours.
- I am sending you warm and fuzzy birthday wishes. :) Bday.
- I decided not to celebrate your birthday again until I see you. You have not gotten any older in my mind despite the number of birthdays that you have had and that seems odd. You of course may make your own decision.
- I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true.
- I hope and pray this is the best birthday yet:) May you have many,many,many more successful years to come. Add a huge dose of happiness to., it rocks…lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- I hope that this year will be full of all that makes you happy.
- I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for you.
- I hope today at your party that you dance and others sing as you celebrate with joy your best birthday.
- I hope that you 'Rock the Casbah' on your birthday.
- I hope that your big birthday involves a cool day and a hot night. Happy Birthday!
- I hope that your birthday is as happy as a chimpanzee without pants! Happy Birthday.
- I hope this next year of life brings wonderful people and memories for you! Wishing you many many more healthy and happy years to come! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- I hope you get whatever you wish for when you blow out the candles! I can only wish for you what I wish every year- may you enjoy the good things in life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- I hope you have a wonderful Birthday filled with Love & Fun!
- I hope you have a wonderful day and get everything you want!
- I hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness and that your wishes come true!
- I hope you know that we all think you are amazing, and we support anything you do 100%. I hope you have the most amazing day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- I hope you 'more fun than a frog in a glass of milk‚' though I have no idea what that means.
- I just wanted to say happy birthday, and hope you have the best party ever.
- I love celebrating with you. Thanks for having a birthday and giving us a reason.
- I love you like I love cake at a birthday party. Don't forget to invite me. Happy Birthday.
- I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, from the bottom of my heart.
- I want to wish you happiness for your birthday and every day. Happy
- I wish only one thing for you today. May you find all the strength and courage needed to blow all the candles out!
- I wish you a wonderful Birthday!! I hope you have an amazing day and lots of fun! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!
- I wish you a wonderful day and may all your wishes comes true. I hope you enjoy this day very much . Stay yourself. Happy Birthday!
- I wish you all the happiness in the world! :) Bday
- If birthdays were wishes, yours would have all have come true – since you have > had so many. Happy Birthday one more time.
- If candle blowing were an Olympic sport, you would win a gold medal.
- If it takes more than one match to light your candles, it takes more than one breath to blow them out. Happy Birthday.
- If they say 'The more the merrier', maybe at your age I should wish you 'Merry Birthday' instead of 'Happy Birthday.'
- If you can stay young while all those around you are getting older, you have become a pretty good liar. Happy Birthday.
- If you start lying about your age, you can invite us more often to celebrate your Birthday. Not just once in a year.
- I'm so glad you were born!! If not how could I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- In a perfect world, there would be ________ and _____________ and more people like you. (Peace and happiness, Chocolate and sunny skies, no fattening foods and only cute guys, Write your own.)
- In the brightest day and in the darkest night may you never change no matter what.
- It doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing, what matters is who you are. I like who you are. Happy Birthday.
- It has been fun so far but the best is still to come. :) Bday
- It takes a long time to become as young as you are. Happy Birthday.
- It was great day when you were born, but it is a great day to be alive. So live. Happy Birthday.
- It’s not my fault for forgetting your Birthday, it’s just my memory that weakens year after year. I think you know what I’m talking about.
- It’s ok you can light up all your candles now? we all have a glass of water in our hands.
- It’s the journey that counts not the destination.
- It’s the simplest things that make your life count, like a simple wish. Happy Birthday!
- It’s your choice, when and how your life’s sparking begins, not age.
- It's your day, celebrate you! Make this the best day of the rest of your life.
- I've been that age. I've done that age. It is fun. Enjoy!
- Just live it out to the fullest and have fun! :) Bday
- Just wanted to say happy birthday, and hope u hav the best day ever and party like its ur 21st birthday.
- Just wanted to say that I really do wish you a very Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart.
- Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope your day is filled with lots of love, joy, and happiness. Remember to have tons of fun. Love you forever !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!!!
- Just when the caterpillar thinks that it is all grown up, it becomes a butterfly. Happy Birthday Butterfly.
- Keep being awesome, and always take care. Happy Birthday!
- Keep working hard, but not TOO hard or you'll make yourself sick! Happy Birthday!
- Let happiness reach your eyes, enthusiasm reach your smile, and resilience reach the temples of your face every time you look at someone. May you pass on your love and joy to everyone around you. Wishing you the best birthday ever.
- Let me tell you that with every passing year, you’re becoming the most wise and good looking friend that I have ever known! May you continue to put out the very best in your life!
- Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin right after your birthday party.
- Let this new year of your life be special, full of precious moments, bright emotions, full of happiness and joy! Let Love follow your footsteps everywhere you go!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- Let yourself free and enjoy your Birthday, because it’s something that comes once in a year.
- Let's celebrate the age you act not the age that you are. Happy Birthday.
- Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile.
- Life is great at any age. Enjoy yours. Happy Birthday.
- Life is just an act. The ingredients of success needed are a killing cast, a remarkable plot and an unflinching director. I think you have all it needs.
- Like the song says: 'Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten.' Happy Birthday.
- Live it up and don't worry about being good!! You get to do whatever you want, it's your day!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- Live today like it is a special gift, because it is the best birthday gift. Happy Birthday.
- Live your life intensely, but not in a dull manner and don’t worry about being good. Just be yourself for yourself.
- Love you!!! Have an absolutely amazing day all about you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- Many people say that the best way to remember a special friend's birthday is to forget it once. I think that Google calendar works better.
- May a happy bright star always light your path. :) Bday!
- May all of your wishes come true – today and always. Happy Birthday.
- May all your wishes come true but one, so you always have something to strive for. :) Bday!
- May the best of your past be the worst of your future. Happy birthday!
- May the grass be the greenest on YOUR hill. Happy Birthday.
- May the wind blow much happiness into your life on your birthday and also help you blow out all those candles.
- May this new year bring you joy, peace, and much more blessings! :) Bday!
- May you always have enough happiness at your life to keep you sweet, enough trials and errors to keep you strong, enough success to keep you trying, enough faith to give you courage and enough determination to make each day a good day to remember.
- May you be blessed with total freedom, peace, success and security this year! :) Bday!
- May you find good times and friends on whichever path you follow. Happy Birthday.
- May you have a great birthday, but may next year's be twice as good.
- May you have many many days like this and enjoy yourself and your day. You deserve it. Happy Birthday!
- May you have many more happy days. Enjoy yourself and your day. You deserve it. Happy Birthday!
- May you have the wisdom to act your age and the age to ignore wisdom. Happy Birthday.
- May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent. :) Bday!
- May you never stray from the true path as you continue your amazing journey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- May your birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life with many happy birthdays.
- Set the world on fire with your dreams and use the flame to light a birthday candle.
- Some people look old and feel young. Some people look young and feel old. Some people like us look young and feel young. Feels good to party on your birthday doesn't it?
- Some people say 'My how time flies when you are having fun.' I prefer 'My how flies have fun when you are having time.' Hope your birthday is fun.
- Some say that a birthday is a great time to look back at the past year. Others say a birthday is a good time to think about what lies ahead. I say 'cut the cake' and let's eat.
- Some things are good immediately and others improve with time. You started great and soar even higher. Happy Birthday.
- Stop counting the candles and contemplate your wishes, cause life is too short to be cracked in pieces.
- Support wildlife, Have a wild birthday party!
- You must take advantage of being young now and knowing everything, before you get older and realize that you don't :)
- Take advantage of how things are so that one day you will take pride in telling how things were. Happy Birthday.
- Take care always and keep on rocking. :) Bday!
- Thank you for being a wonderful person and an inspiration. Happy Birthday!
- Thanks for being someone that I can talk to and share life with. Happy Birthday.
- The candles on your cake won't start a fire if you don't light them, but that isn't what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday.
- The gifts you receive today don't compare to what you give to others every day.
- The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts and we grow happier as we grow older. Happy Birthday.
- The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age
- The whole world might want to send you a special birthday greeting, but for the time being, you can make do with mine. Happy Birthday.
- The world is a better place with you in it. Much weirder but totally better. Happy Birthday.
- The younger you try to look the older you actually are.
- There is a word for people like us.. fun, cool, sexy, talented, attractive, you choose, They all apply! Happy Birthday.
- They say sometimes its hard to understand, but time tells truth. The truth is that I wish you a very happy birthday.
- They say that you can count your true friends on one hand. I'll bet that you can't count your birthdays on the other. Happy Birthday.
- They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say "forget about the past" and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream. Happy Birthday.
- Things I like about you: humor, looks, everything. Happy Birthday.
- Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness.
- Thinking of you and wishing you all the best on your birthday.
- Though I want be there for your birthday, I hope that it is full of fun and doing stuff that you like. Happy Birthday!
- Time to celebrate. You made the trip around the sun one more time. It's a birthday revolution.
- To the world, you may be one person, But to me, you are the world. :) Bday!